Day One

To blog was a new year resolution. Haven’t decided what will I exactly write upon. I guess writing always rescue your soul from various emotions.

Hopefully I keep going and never stop it again.


4 thoughts on “Day One

  1. Good work Apurva..
    We generally dont cum to know abt such beautiful places unless bloggers like u describe them on ur page and that too, i must admit, so simply beautifully, that I now wish to explore the place more in future, if ofcourse given a chance..
    Keep travelling, keep blogging
    Al d best


  2. Good one , nicely written … seems to be an awesome place …especially when some1 in-laws are there to provide u shelter for a day or two 🙂
    One more thing that i liked is 1943 built house,,, must say …super powerful.. and creative to make such architecture in hilly region
    by the way, what was the impact of last year flood on this part of Uttarakhand


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